Connect public feeds, social networks, industry portals, databases, spreadsheets and any other internal source. Livesignage reads your content and generates the communication on the screens by itself.
Livesignage is the only digital signage solution that self-produces Progressive Web Apps on smartphones to guide the user towards any conversion: purchase, order, subscription, download and more.
Livesignage was born to be interconnected to other systems, therefore it is the ideal solution to ensure flexibility and security in medium and large interactive projects: smart mobility, smart commerce, IoT and more.
No adaptations, no compromises. Livesignage is based on a completely cloud-based architecture that guarantees full functionality without any installation, always and with any device.
Livesignage is not just a software but a service conceived and managed by an Italian company that guarantees training, consultancy, planning, support and coaching to the customer to create winning projects.
Collection of brochures and videos to better explain all the features of Livesignage. From app-specific topics to general presentations of the entire software, this page brings together all the content you need to delve into any topic.