supermarket lane with a display that indicate the kind of products in that lane
display touch with description of apple types
woman scrolling the online store flyer on her smartphone
Totem with news about food at cashier's desk

Digital Signage for supermarkets
and large-scale distribution

A digital ecosystem for supermarkets:
screens, touchscreen, and mobile

Optimize your purchasing experience with Digital Signage for Supermarkets.
Interact with interactive screens inside and outside your shop, managing the content in a personalized way that best meets the needs of your retail sale context.
Find out how to transform your supermarket with tailor-made digital signage solutions.

Supermarket digital ecosystem with totem, display and smartphone

Display and screens under control

Livesignage displays checks, totems, LEDs, and any hardware from the cloud with a standard browser in total safety and in real time.

Totem and delete code

Through Totem Touchscreen, make your services more efficient: totems for orders, payment totems, totem wayfinding, and totem queue elimination.

Sensors and IoT

Exploits IoT devices, sensors, and artificial intelligence to create compelling experiences that convert.


Livesignage conveys mobile solutions so customer can convert to the store or from home with a smartphone.

Accessible and immediate communication:
promotions and prices acquired by your channels

Create your content easily by hooking Livenesignage to your information systems to automatically change products, promotions, and prices. The animated models for effective communication inspired you. You have over 300 templates available that you can easily customize!

Products with price template
Informations about fidelity card template
Promotion of flyer online template
Instagram posts template
Product promotion template
News template
Ticket number template
Grocery opening time template

Not just software: an Italian company
that supports you and works with you

"Artificial intelligente" icon

Artificial intelligence

We convey the most effective content at the right time in the most helpful place

"Mobile app" icon

Mobile App

We design mobile solutions to maximize conversion

"Customer experience" icon

Customer experience

We use cameras and sensors to create phygital experiences that convert

"support" icon


We create the most suitable solution for your Proximity Marketing needs

Plan and customize the schedules to always have punctual and updated information

Organize and plan the contents on single displays or groups of screens wherever you are: grin through the store by type and functionality to update in real-time all the contents you want

View the preview of your playlists directly from the smartphone
Divided the screens of the displays into several areas to multiply the visible contents
Limit and configure the access for each user of your company that accesses the back-office
Series of templates about supermarket

Social, RSS feed, database, and API

You will constantly have updated content by connecting your channels to Livesignage; forget manual updates!

Automat the update process by connecting Livesignage to any source
Publish photos and Reels from the Instagram community
Show brand updates from Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn
Connect to your RSS feed to publish the news of the supermarket in real-time
Video show from Vimeo or YouTube
Enter your private source in maximum safety

Enhance your conversion tools
to give your business a boost

It exceeds static nature with dynamic solutions beyond traditional Digital Signage. Farewell to the loop videos that are hardly updated: with Livesignage, the update is automatic, always guaranteeing fresh and engaging content.

The right content according to the customer's actions to obtain memorable experiences

Exploits artificial intelligence
by adding IoT and sensor devices

Thanks to IoT cameras and sensors, Livesignage
changes the contents of the displays based on the flow
of people in the lane or the case or according to gestures
It is compatible with other software to offer a multisensory experience
You can divide the display into areas, change the contents based on the number of people in the cashier, and provide multiple touchpoints.
A woman and a kid touching a totem touch
"Personalized queue elimination"

Queue elimination personalized

Take part in the touch screen to add personalized experiences.
Divides of display in areas to show the trend of the tail, promotions, and communications.
Use IoT buttons to drive the tail and change the display contents.

"Personalized touch experience"

Personalized touch experiences

Increases user interaction on touch devices by creating personalized navigation experiences.
Connect your information systems to distribute information on the most appropriate products.
Enter entertainment games
Automate your internal processes.

"Profiled communication"

Profiled communication

Show the most suitable campaigns to your customers.
Take advantage of the waiting times at the Cassa to show the most suitable promotions to the current target.
Send additional information on the smartphone of interested customers.
Trace the actions of customers.
Connect Livesignage to your CRM to convey profiles.

Woman doing grocery shopping with a promoting videowall behind her

With Livesignage Display, Totem, and Mobile Controls to convert on each touchpoint
with an Omnichannel experience

Livesignage is a single software suitable for various contact points, including small displays, tablets, video walls, elimination of queues, touchscreen totems, LED screens, and mobile devices.
With Livesignage, distribute your content in a coordinated and profiled way on each touchpoint to offer the customer the most suitable touchpoint to conversion.

grocery flyer on smartphone web app
"Continuity of experience" icon

Continuity of experience

Customers can now continue their experience on mobile by deepening, downloading, ordering, and buying through QR codes, NFC, or RFID after being attracted by the communication on display and LED.

"Content control" icon

Content control

Checks in real time the content shown
Each touchpoint defines the flows that guide the customer in the Omnichannel experience.

"KPI and ROI" icon


Set your KPIs, and use bees to control every result and every touchpoint on your reference platform. Livesignage is the ultimate solution for businesses seeking a return on investment.

"360° monitoring" icon

360 ° monitoring

Total, punctual, and reliable monitoring offers total security thanks to the globalization of each touchpoint, smartphone, display, and totem.

"From display to smartphone"

From display to smartphone

Convene personalized information and convert it through the smartphone. Livesignage creates a real-time mobile touchpoint.
Insert e-commerce, catalogs, documents, contact forms, and other information. It is possible to access each touchpoint without using a mobile application.

"Monitoring of flows and costumer shares"

Monitoring of flows and customer shares

Livesignage intuitively shows customers' flows inside the supermarket and checks the customer navigation paths he made on the smartphone.
With Livesignage, check the behaviors and better conversions.

"the AI can change contents to improve sales"

The AI can change content to improve sales.

By monitoring the flows and use of each touchpoint, understand the customer behavior, better your marketing campaigns, and intervene where and when it serves with artificial intelligence.


Livesignage guides you into
your project

Thanks to our experience in the field, combined with our ability to listen and our creative spirit, we can give you concrete support to make your project a reality with a continuous and reliable service.
We are available to manage all operational activities and streamline your growth path.

How we support your project:

Research and analysis

We study and analyze
the market to add value to the uniqueness of your project.

Hardware consultancy

We support you in the choice of displays, peripherals and
IoT integrations.

Dialogue with partners

We manage communication flows to optimize the times and
methods of implementation.

Content production

We create content with custom templates and high visual

API and integrations

We care about connecting and
integrating all your business

Advertising campaigns

From paper to digital,
we turn your communication project into reality.

Results reporting

Real-time monitoring and strategic evaluation of results.

Testing and publishing

We test the content and
share the preview for
pre-publishing approval.

Livesignage offices
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